

This publication contains information about installation and configuration for General Storage dsmISI. dsmISI is the easiest and most effective way to address EMC Isilon® Scale-Out NAS clusters as a target storage device from IBM Spectrum Protect (formerly IBM Tivoli Storage Manager®) servers.

Target Audience

The information included in this guide is targeted at a Unix and/or ISP administrator tasked with implementing ISP storage pools on Isilon storage.


dsmISI consist of a single daemon which is handling all aspects of an NFS based access from ISP to Isilon storage clusters.

dsmISI directories

The following directories are used by dsmISI:










Isilon clusters consist of three to hundreds of individual nodes which can connect independently to a Local Area Network. For each Isilon cluster, a single file system is represented through a multitude of protocols through every cluster node connected to the network.

Consequently, there is an individual network address for each node in a cluster. Typically, these addresses are arranged in one or more address ranges, spanning a certain part of an IP subnet. In order to balance incoming and outgoing traffic to and from the single file system provided by the cluster across all of its nodes, a distributed DNS server mechanism available from EMC (Isilon SmartConnect Advanced) cycles through the addresses providing access to said file system based on data such as the number of active connections per node and load statistics or in a simple, round-robin fashion.

Every computer about to connect to an Isilon cluster based on DNS name resolution will receive an individual node’s IP address and thus load balancing according to the prevailing algorithm is being served. However, since mounting the Isilon file system via NFS is the only supported way for a ISP server to use Isilon storage for a storage pool, such load balancing would occur only once when the file system is mounted. All subsequent access to data would then be routed through the Isilon node originally addressed by SmartConnect at the very moment the NFS mount took place. Every ISP server connected to an Isilon cluster would only be able to use a fraction of the theoretical throughput provided by this cluster at any given time.

Load balancing through ISP’s device class definitions (i.e., addressing the Isilon file system via more than one individual NFS mounts) could utilize more bandwidth but it would have several drawbacks. First, addressing the same file system through more than one mount point would undermine ISP’s internal capacity calculations because ISP would assume the free space reported for each mount point to be genuine and henceforth sum them up to a multiple of free space actually available.

Secondly, ISP addresses each volume of data via the exact path it took when the volume was initially created. So, any data written to a volume on path “a” can only be read and added to on that same path “a”, which undermines load balancing and effectively leads to heavily unbalanced utilizations of possible paths when previously written data is being read.

dsmISI provides a simple yet effective way to address all nodes of a virtually unlimited number of Isilon clusters from a virtually unlimited number of ISP servers in a balanced way without having to handle complex NFS mount structures or ISP device class definitions by:

  • mounting all nodes associated with an Isilon cluster via NFS to the operating system it is running on.

  • automatically adding Isilon cluster nodes once they have been installed.

  • providing the ISP administrator with a single target directory for one or more device classes.

  • balancing ISP read and write workloads effectively across all nodes of an Isilon cluster.


dsmISI must be installed on each system hosting the ISP server(s) which has access to Isilon storage it is managing. The platform must fulfil the following requirements:
  • IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Server Extended Edition for IBM AIX Version 7.1 or later or

  • IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Server Extended Edition for Oracle Solaris Version 7.1 or later or

  • IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Server Extended Edition for Linux Version 7.1 or later

  • NFS Client Version 3

  • IPv4 Connection between the operating system hosting the ISP server and the EMC Isilon cluster(s)

  • Secure Shell (ssh)

  • EMC Isilon OneFS

For details regarding the exact specifications, versions, patch levels etc. for the operating system environment required, please refer to IBM’s overview of supported operating systems (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21243309) and EMC’s Isilon specifications (http://www.emc.com/storage/isilon/isilon.htm).

EMC OneFS should be set up for optimizing streaming performance before accessing it with ISP and dsmISI. Performance is out of scope of this document, but the streaming setting is crucial (isi get /ifs/mydirectory/myfile ; isi set –l streaming /ifs/mydirectory/myfile). It can only be changed later by moving the existing data again.

dsmISI furthermore requires:
  • 500 MB or free disk space (/var, /opt)

  • 128 MB of physical memory


The following planning sheet describes the options needed to configure dsmISI. Be aware that there are stanzas for ISP server instances and stanzas for EMC ISILON cluster. Some settings can be defined globally but also per instance.



Example Value




IP Address Range or Symbolic Name of the Isilon Cluster(s) data network interfaces. Make sure the Isilon cluster is accessible from your ISP server. Note that most Isilon installations distinguish between management interfaces, used for i.e., administration and monitoring, and data interfaces meant to transfer data. It is possible to configure the system zone for management. dsmISI reads out the IP addresses automatically from the pool definition. The pool definition includes the subnet.

ISILON Management IP


IP Address Range or Symbolic Name of the Isilon Cluster(s) management interface. If data (see above) and management interfaces are identical, make sure that login via SSH is enabled on the data interfaces of your Isilon cluster.

ISILON Management User


ISILON user for dsmISI ssh access. The user needs certain user rights to work for dsmISI. In case a nonroot account is created a role hast be created on ISILON accordingly

ISP Server User/Group


ISP server user and group information for all ISP. In order to provide access to data on an Isilon, dsmISI will have to make sure that individual ISP servers are given servers running on this machine correct permissions on directories.

ISILON Mount Directory


One empty, local directory per Isilon cluster. For each Isilon Cluster, one directory is required in which dsmISI will mount individual nodes via NFS. If this directory does not exist, dsmisi will create it adding the Isilon name as a subdirectory.



Directory under which dsmISI creates the directory structure on the local server. Within this directory, dsmISI will provide a path to each Isilon cluster. The cluster name and ISP server name is added to the PATH by dsmISI. Path: <ServerDirPrefix> /<ServerName>/<IsiName>/ <ServerDirSuffix>. See DEVC Custom Path below, if you do not want to use the standard format.



Directory name for the ISP device class. This is the directory name on ISILON which can then be used as a target directory in individual device class definitions. It is reachable on the local server under the Prefix Path: <ServerDirPrefix> /<ServerName>/<IsiName>/ <ServerDirSuffix>. See DEVC Custom Path below, if you do not want to use the standard format.



The complete path for the ISP device class. This replaces the standard format using Prefix and Suffix. This is the complete path to the directory, which will be used in the ISP(TSM) device class configuration. This can be used instead of the standard format using Prefix and Suffix. ISP instance and ISILON name can be provided as variables.

ISILON Export Directory


This is the exported directory for ISP from the ISILON. Isilon file systems usually root in /ifs. It is customary to create one directory underneath that parent in order to identify the underlying content as belonging to ISP. dsmISI will create subdirectories for the ISP server instances beneath this path.


Once the planning sheet has been completed, copy the dsmISI installation package for your platform to your ISP server machine and install dsmISI from the same directory by issuing the following command as root user:


installp -aX –d . dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x.bff


pkgadd –d dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x.pkg


yum install dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x.x86_64.rpm


zypper install dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x.x86_64.rpm

other Linux:

rpm -ivh dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x.x86_64.rpm

Add dsmISI to PATH

The dsmISI binaries can be added to the system’s path. Only the following file needs to be created and the PATH configuration added accordingly:

linux02:~ #cat /etc/profile.d/dsmisi.sh PATH=${PATH}:/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin
linux02:~ #. /etc/profile.d/dsmisi.sh

Add dsmISI as service

In order to easily start and stop dsmISI and allow automatic start during reboot, dsmISI should be added to the system as a service. Before you start dsmISI the configuration needs to be completed.

For AIX use the setup script to add dsmISI to the resource controller:

bash-4.2# /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisisetup.aix
Setup - Execute after installing dsmisi fileset

WARNING: This will stop the running dsmisi subsystem!

Hit ENTER to continue or CTRL C to cancel.

0513-071 The dsmisi Subsystem has been added.

bash-4.2# lssrc -s dsmisi

Subsystem Group PID Status dsmisi dsmisi inoperative

Linux with Systemd:

[root@lax10 init.d]# cp /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi.service /etc/systemd/system/
[root@lax10 init.d]# cat /etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service
[Unit] Description=Start dsmisi

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi -daemon >/dev/null 2>&1 &'


[root@lax10 init.d]# systemctl status dsmisi
* dsmisi.service - Start dsmisi
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)
Apr 23 11:49:30 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: Claim engine result is negative (-1).
Apr 23 11:49:30 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: IP based path distribution not required laclust888[0002].
Apr 23 11:49:32 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: Processing I/O path: /tsm/ISP143/ISP444/laclust888/file.

[root@lax10 init.d]# systemctl enable dsmisi.service
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dsmisi.service to /etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service.

[root@lax10 init.d]# systemctl status dsmisi
* dsmisi.service - Start dsmisi
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
        Active: inactive (dead)
Apr 23 11:49:30 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: Claim engine result is negative (-1).
Apr 23 11:49:30 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: IP based path distribution not required laclust888[0002].
Apr 23 11:49:32 lax10 dsmisi[16671]: Processing I/O path: /tsm/ISP143/ISP444/laclust888/file.

[root@lax10 init.d]# systemctl start dsmisi
[root@lax10 init.d]# systemctl status dsmisi
* dsmisi.service - Start dsmisi
        Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
        Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-04-23 12:04:54 CEST; 2s ago Process: 9264 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi -daemon >/dev/null 2>&1 & (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        Main PID: 9265 (dsmisi)
          CGroup: /system.slice/dsmisi.service
                          └─9265 /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi -daemon
Apr 23 12:04:54 lax10 systemd[1]: Starting Start dsmisi...
Apr 23 12:04:54 lax10 systemd[1]: Started Start dsmisi.
Apr 23 12:04:54 lax10 dsmisi[9265]: Daemon dsmisi started.

First steps after installation

Once installation has finished, all configuration regarding managed Isilon clusters and ISP servers is controlled via the dsmisi.conf options file.

This file is located in /etc/dsmisi.

The installation procedure places a sample options file in /etc/dsmisi/samples. You may copy this sample file to /etc/dsmisi/dsmisi.conf and edit it accordingly.

The dsmisi daemon will read dsmisi.conf only when starting or re-starting. Keep that in mind when making changes to dsmisi.conf.


In order to remove dsmISI from your computer, stop dsmisi and issue the following commands as root user:


installp –u dsmisi


pkgrm dsmisi


yum remove dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x


zypper remove dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x

other Linux:

rpm –e dsmisi-3.x.x.x-x


The options file is structured similarly to ISP’s dsm.sys file on Unix based operating systems. First there are global settings in the file and then for each Isilon cluster controlled by dsmisi and for each ISP server, a separate stanza must be created within the dsmisi.conf options file.

The beginning of any stanza describing options for an Isilon cluster is marked by an entry beginning with the keyword IsiName, while a stanza containing options for a ISP server instance is made by the keyword ServerName.

Any option will be interpreted as belonging to the stanza introduced by the preview IsiName or ServerName. In case the same option is found more than once within the same stanza, the last option value will be used and any previously defined option in the same stanza will be ignored.

If a stanza is identified more than once, it will be treated as a single stanza with the rules regarding duplicate option entries applying as if all options were found in the same stanza.

Global Options

The first options before the first IsiName or ServerName stanza are global options. Some like the loglevel are only used here, while others like the IsilonUser can be set globally, but also per Isilon stanza.


Defines the logging level for the log file /var/dsmisi/logs/dsmisi.log

Values: Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error


FileLogLevel Notice


Defines the logging level for the syslog. Currently only supported for AIX.

Values: Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error


SysLogLevel Notice


This is the global setting to define the connection timeout for the communication with ISILON. There is also an ISILON option. This option will be overwritten by ISILON stanza options


ConnectionTimeout 60


This option defines the waiting time before the next status check in sec. Default is 300.

Values: A setting between 10 and 300 should be used.


IdleTime 30


Defines the user which should be used to communicate with ISILON. This is the global setting and can be overwritten in ISILON stanzas by IsiUser.

Values: Any user name


IsilonUser dsmisi


In case there is a common directory exported from ISILON for ISP it can be set here globally.

Values: The exported directory (full path on ISILON)


IsilonExport /ifs/ISP


This defines the overall behaviour when issuing dsmisi mount/dsmisi umount without a specific cluster as a parameter or when starting the dsmisi service.


true (default) - Clusters will be mounted with dsmisi mount or when starting the service and will be unmounted when issuing dsmisi umount.

false - Clusters will not be mounted with dsmisi mount or when starting the service and will not be unmounted when issuing dsmisi umount.

automatic - Clusters will be mounted when starting the service but will not be mounted/unmounted when issuing dsmisi mount/dsmisi umount without a specific cluster as a parameter.


IsilonMount Automatic


This option can be used to change the mount option for the ISILON mounts. This could be used to disable “sync” to enable filesystem caching.

Values: Use specific options NfsRsize and NfsWsize for changing mount option rsize and/or wsize.


MountArgs rw,sync,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=50,retrans=2,intr,nfsvers=3,actimeo=0


If the rsize mount option needs to be changed, this dsmisi option should be used.

Values: Use value which is supported by OS


NfsRsize 1048576


If the wsize mount option needs to be changed, this dsmISI option should be used.

Values: Use value which is supported by OS


NfsWsize 1048576


Before dsmISI changes the current node for a ISP instance it will “claim” this node. This is claim is weighted. By changing this value, a higher single stream is represented by a claim. Default is 120 MB/s.

Values: Value should be chosen between 50 and 200.


SysLogLevel Notice

Isilon Cluster Options

After the global settings, the stanzas for ISILON clusters follow. Each stanza is recognized by the IsIName option and then followed by the options set for this cluster.


Name of the Isilon cluster in a dsmISI context. This name does not have to correlate to the Isilon DNS name, although keeping names for entities consistent may help to avoid confusion. This option begins a new stanza containing all options relevant to a specific Isilon cluster.

Values: Must be at least 4 and at most 32 characters in length (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, .)


IsiName isilon01
IsiName isilon.location1
isiname isilon.location2


IP Name or Address over which any of the Isilon cluster may be reached for the purpose of management and administration. Isilon offers the possibility of defining various address ranges which are shared among nodes for data and/or management access. The IsiMgmtIp option must define an address or network name over which administrative access via SSH is possible. A second management address can be added separated by comma.

Values: Must be a specific IP Address or accessible network name


IsiMgmtIp isilon01-mgmt.myorg.com


ISILON manages IP addresses in IP pools. Add the IP pool name here which is configured for ISP data access. It is recommended only use a single IP address per node in this IP pool as ISP and dsmISI do not benefit of many IP addresses per node. dsmISI will use the information for preparing the NFS mounts.

Values: Must be a configured IP Pool Important: Beginning with dsmisi v3 the subnet must be included in the setting!


IsiIpPool subnet1:pool-data

isi001-1#isi network list ifaces –w
Interface               Status          Membership                                Addresses
--------------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------------
1:10gige-1 up
1:10gige-2 up
1:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
1:ext-1 up subnet0:pool-mgt
1:ext-2 up
2:10gige-1 up
2:10gige-2 up
2:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
2:ext-1 up 2:ext-2 up
2:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt
3:10gige-1 up
3:10gige-2 up
3:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
3:ext-1 up
3:ext-2 up
3:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt
4:10gige-1 up
4:10gige-2 up
4:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
4:ext-1 up
4:ext-2 up
4:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt


A local directory which must exist, and be owned by the system’s root user. dsmISI will create a new NFS mount for each node of the Isilon cluster in question within this directory.

If you are accessing more than one Isilon clusters, it is strongly advised to use different IsiMntRootDir directories for each Isilon cluster on each server.

Values: All restrictions regarding directory names on the platform dsmISI is running on in your environment do apply.


IsiMntRootDir /isilon01
IsiMntRootDir /root/first-isilon


This is the setting to define the connection timeout for the communication with ISILON.

Values: Value in seconds


IsiConnectionTimeout 30


Defines the user for communication with ISILON for a specific cluster.

Values: Any valid user name


IsilonUser dsmisi


If no common path is exported this ISILON specific setting can be used instead of the global setting IsilonExport. This overwrites the global setting.

Values: Any valid ISILON export path


IsiExport /ifs/isilon001


This defines the specific behaviour of this ISILON cluster when issuing dsmisi mount/dsmisi umount without a parameter or when starting the dsmisi service.


true (default) - This cluster will be mounted with dsmisi mount or when starting the service and will be unmounted when issuing dsmisi umount.

false - This cluster will not be mounted with dsmisi mount or when starting the service and will not be unmounted when issuing dsmisi umount.

automatic - This cluster will be mounted when starting the service but will not be mounted/unmounted when issuing dsmisi mount/dsmisi umount without a specific cluster as a parameter.


IsiMount Automatic

ISP Server Options

Once you configured all Isilon clusters in your dsmisi.conf file, you must configure the ISP server instances which have to access these clusters. The following options must be provided for each ISP server instance.


Name of the ISP server instance The ServerName does not have to correspond with the real name of the ISP server instance in question. However, in order to avoid confusion, it is recommended to keep instance names consistent across ISP and dsmISI.

Values: Must be at least 4 and at most 32 characters in length (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, .)


ServerName server01
ServerName tsm01.location2
ServerName tsm_server_central


User and group in which context the ISP server instance is running. In UNIX environments, this usually is a specific user and group exclusively used for an instance.

Values: Must be a valid group name


ServerUsrGrp tsm1usr:tsm1grp
ServerUsrGrp tsm2usr:tsm2grp


For each ISP server instance, which will place data on an ISILON cluster, there must be a local path through which the ISILON can be accessed. This is the directory path, which is used in the ISP server device class. This directory path consists out of the following:


This directory directly leads to the file system on the ISILON cluster, where a corresponding path is also created, if IsiUser is root, otherwise the IsiUser would need the right to create directories or change ownership.


Values: All restrictions regarding directory names on the platform dsmISI is running on in your environment do pertain.


ServerDirPrefix /tsm
ServerDirPrefix /tsm/FILE


For each ISP server instance, which will place data on an ISILON cluster, there must be a local path through which the ISILON can be accessed. This is the directory path, that is used in the ISP server device class. This directory path consists out of the following:


This directory directly leads to the file system on the ISILON cluster, where a corresponding path is also created, if IsiUser is root, otherwise the IsiUser would need the right to create directories or change ownership.


Values: All restrictions regarding directory names on the platform dsmISI is running on in your environment do pertain. Be aware that certain user rights on ISILON paths cannot automatically be changed by dsmISI when you chose to use a non-root user as “IsiUser”.


ServerDirSuffix sf
ServerDirSuffix FILEDEV


The default server directory naming is based on the options ServerDirSuffix and ServerDirPrefix). If a more flexible naming is required, the ServerDirFormat can be used. The ISP server name and the ISILON name can be placed by using variables %TSM% and %ISI%.


ServerName ISP1
        ServerUsrGrp tsm1usr:tsm1grp
        # ServerDirPrefix /tsm
        # ServerDirSuffix sf
        IsiClusterList CLUSTER-01,CLUSTER-02
        ServerDirFormat /tsm/%TSM%/sf/sfisi/%ISI%


For each ISP server instance the relevant ISILON clusters needed to be defined. With comma separation more than one ISILON cluster can be configured.

Values: All restrictions regarding directory names on the platform dsmISI is running on in your environment do pertain. Be aware, certain user rights on ISILON paths cannot automatically be changed by dsmISI when you chose to use a non-root user as “IsiUser”.


IsiClusterList isilon001 IsiClusterList isi_siteA,isi_siteB

dsmISI Preload Library

Beginning with dsmISI version 3, an enhanced load balancing can be activated as a preload library to the Spectrum Protect (TSM) server.

When upgrading dsmISI from version 2, ensure the subnet information is part of the IsiIpPool setting:

IsiName isilon01
                IsiMgmtIp               isilon01-1-mgt,isilon-01-2-mgt
                IsiIpPool               subnet0:pool-data
                IsiConnectionTimeout    30
                IsiUser                 root
                #IsiUser                 dsmisi
                IsiMntRootDir           /isi
                IsiExport               /ifs/ISP

The preload library is activated during Spectrum Protect server startup. The following examples show the commands, which need to be added to the startup script. Be aware, that in case you are using the standard rc.dsmserv script, which is part of the Spectrum Protect installation package, the changes will be overwritten with a Spectrum Protect server update.

This is the original rc.dsmserv part, which needs to be changed:

if [ "$OS" = "AIX" ]; then
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  /usr/bin/env LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "$serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms

Example Linux

The Spectrum Protect configuration directory is in this case /isp/TSM143/cfg:

cp -p /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmgsio.so /isp/TSM143/cfg/dsmgsio.so
if [ "$OS" = "AIX" ]; then
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  /usr/bin/env LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K LD_PRELOAD=/isp/TSM143/cfg/dsmgsio.so $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "$serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms

Example AIX

The Spectrum Protect configuration directory is in this case /isp/AIX1/cfg:

cp -p /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmgsio.so /isp/TSM143/cfg/dsmgsio.so
if [ "$OS" = "AIX" ]; then
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K  LD_PRELOAD=/isp/TSMAIX1/cfg/dsmgsio.so $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  /usr/bin/env LDR_CNTRL=TEXTPSIZE=64K@DATAPSIZE=64K@STACKPSIZE=64K@SHMPSIZE=64K $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms
if [ "$instanceUser" != "" ]; then
        exec su - $instanceUser -c "$serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms"
        exec  $serverBinDir/dsmserv $cmdParms

Example Cluster: GSCC

This is the configuration file for the preload library in GSCC:

linux1# cat /isp/TSM143/cfg/isp.conf
cp -p /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmgsio.so /isp/TSM143/cfg/dsmgsio.so

Status Check

After the Spectrum Protect server restart, the correct activation can be verified with the status command using the –s parameter:

linux1# /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi status –s

dsmisi, version (301101417668)
Copyright (C) 2017 General Storage Software GmbH

                0001: /isi/laclust801/0001 mounted.
                0002: /isi/laclust801/0002 mounted.
                0003: /isi/laclust801/0003 mounted.

I/O Server TSM143.
                Cluster laclust801,3 file path /isp/TSM143/TSM143/laclust801/file active.

I/O server dsmgsio inactive

After activation the output changes:

root@lax10 logs]# /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi status –s

dsmisi, version (301101417668)
Copyright (C) 2017 General Storage Software GmbH

                0001: /isi/laclust801/0001 mounted.
                0002: /isi/laclust801/0002 mounted.
                0003: /isi/laclust801/0003 mounted.

I/O Server TSM143.
                Cluster laclust801,3 file path /isp/TSM143/TSM143/laclust801/file active.

I/O server dsmgsio available.
I/O Path 0: /isp/TSM143/TSM143/laclust801/file/ -> /isi/laclust801/0002/TSM143/file(3).

dsmISI Update with Preload Library

Be aware, that with activated preload library a dsmISI update requires a SP server restart to update the library. However, the software package can be updated independent of library activation. As each instance is using a dedicated copy of the library, the activation can be scheduled for a later time.

Check the readme of the update if reloading of the library is required at all.

Example Scenario

The following example will describe a deployment scenario for the setup steps of dsmISI. In this example, the following input is used:

  • SLES 11 server for TSM called linux01.

  • One TSM server instance called tsminst01.

  • The TSM instance runs under the user tsm1, which belongs to the user group tsm1.

  • There is one ISILON cluster with 4 nodes which has already been installed. Its name is isilon01 and is configured with separate data and management interfaces. Management interfaces are isilon01-01-mgt,isilon01-02-mgt,isilon01-03-mgt,isilon01-04-mgt.

  • The exported directory on ISILON is planned to be /ifs/TSM.

  • The mounts should be created beneath the /isi directory.

  • The TSM device class root directory is planned to be /tsm.

  • The TSM device class directory name is planned to be SF for sequential file.

Step 1: Establish SSH connection with ISILON

The ssh connection is needed on each UNIX server running a TSM instance with ISILON access. This can be done as root or as a non-root user. There are certain limits in automation during the setup when using a non-root user in ISILON side.

Step 1a: Establish the connection as root

Login to the machine hosting your TSM server as root. Create a new key-pair for SSH by issuing:

root@linux01 # ssh-keygen -t rsa

Issue the following commands to copy your public SSH keys to the ISILON. You can choose any node here. ISILON will distribute the information to the other nodes.

In case there is no ssh-copy-id command available (AIX) the content of the public key file must be added to the authorized_keys file of root manually. This is only necessary with a single ISILON node as the authorized_keys file will be distributed to the other nodes automatically.

root@linux01 # ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@isilon01-01-mgmt

When prompted, enter your ISILON’s root password.

Try to login to you ISILON cluster by issuing:

root@linux01 # ssh root@isilon01-mgmt

Step 1b: Establish the connection as non-root

If the connection to ISILON should not be done by root, a new user must be created on ISILON and a corresponding role must be created. For this task, an administrative user is needed.

Login to the machine hosting your ISP server as root.

Create a new key-pair for SSH by issuing:

root@linux01 # ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsmisi
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsmisi.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsmisi.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
e9:34:09:13:64:5a:44:6b:17:f0:73:3a:70:70:5e:a2 root@lax01
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|     +X.+ .      |
|     + O +       |
|    . E * .      |
|     . * *       |
|        S        |
|       o o       |
|        .        |
|                 |
|                 |
root@linux01 # ls -lrta /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsm*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  392 Dec  3 16:33 /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsmisi.pub
-rw------- 1 root root 1675 Dec  3 16:33 /root/.ssh/id_rsa_dsmisi

Login to the ISILON as root and create the user and role. Be aware that beginning with OneFS v8 the role definition are not sufficient. The sudoer file must be updated additionally.

isilon01-1# isi auth users create --password-expires no dsmisi

isilon01-1# isi auth users list
Total: 10

isilon01-1# isi auth roles create --name=dsmisi


isilon01-2# isi auth roles list

Total: 6
isilon01-2# isi auth roles privileges list dsmisi
Total: 5

isilon01-2# isi auth roles modify dsmisi --add-user dsmisi
isilon01-2# isi auth roles members list dsmisi
Type  Name
user  dsmisi
Total: 1

When the dsmISI user was added you can add the public key of the ISP server’s root user we created earlier to its authorized_keys file:

root@linux01 # cat id_rsa_dsmisi.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaCasdasdAAABIwAAAQEA1+QQ5Y82NGai4KsmHjiWUv7NsDDCIhQhjGrQT+ph8Z8a4Vh9xFG1zZvZBs7RlalQ5HZxPoTGxKXNh0QdxLFcmvq7bsrC/HHs1cfxxfahxAl4TLS2BQXArKi+0Uin4bZO268I3NBPJHcLSjTXB1VxGOlkAhrifOb6B2d90po98ikB9oveLkbuaKsuJelyqwsY89CgzfurWfBmnLVAmey4YTPWtXH000000VVeF4tTDyYSdOq1zTSEOCsA85HUJHek5ObB30HqiPiLkc22l7CC/0uPgN2zcb5ol4wRBnd48ocrwSzI36N3VaqqxWnGq8Opwd8zuMvbWY/eChYw== root@tsm1

In putty copy and paste this key into the authorized_keys file on the ISILON. Ensure the key is a single line and has no carriage return in between:

isilon01-1# su - dsmisi
isilon01-1% pwd
isilon01-1% cd .ssh
isilon01-1% vi authorized_keys

Try to login to you ISILON cluster by issuing:

root@linux01 # ssh dsmisi@
Last login: Mon Oct 20 21:10:36 2014 from
Copyright (c) 2001-2014 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1992-2011 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
                The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.

Isilon OneFS v7.1.1.0
isilon01-1% sudo isi perfstat
Cluster Name:     lsilon01
Initiator Statistics:
                                Throughput (bytes/s)       Files (#/s)
ID |   Type   | Write   Read   Delete |Create  Remove  Lookup

1 | storage  |  6.0M |     3 |  1.6K |     0 |     0 |   183
2 | storage  |  6.0M |     3 |  1.6K |     0 |     0 |   101
3 | storage  |  1.0M |     3 |  1.6K |     0 |     0 |   212
Totals:       | 13.0M |     3 |  4.8K |     0 |     0 |   496

Verify that the example output is returned without password prompt. sudo is required for all commands.

The user role is limited, so not all commands are allowed. Beginning with OneFS v8 the following change is additionally required: This has to be performed as root on the ISILON. The change is only done on one of the nodes, the changes are automatically deployed to the other cluster nodes:

isilon01-1% isi_visudo

Add these lines:

dsmisi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/isi_classic networks*
dsmisi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/isi_classic statistics*

Step 2: Prepare the ISILON cluster for dsmISI and ISP

If you used the root for the ISILON communication you can use the login for the configuration.

If you are using a non-root user, you need at least an administrative user for the following configuration, which can be done in the web interface and the CLI. Once logged in to the ISILON as root user, create the directory to be exported (/ifs/ISP) and in case the non-root user is used for dsmISI you also either need to allow the dsmISI user to write to this directory or create it:

isilon01-1# mkdir /ifs/ISP isilon01-1# chmod a+w /ifs/ISP

Now the directory needs to be exported. This can be done on the command line but also on the web interface. In most cases it is enough to export “read-write” only:

isilon01-1# isi nfs exports create /ifs/ISP –read-write-clients
isilon01-1# isi nfs exports create /ifs/ISP –root-clients

Ensure that the correct policy is set for this directory. Best practice is to set the performance value to “streaming” globally on ISILON:

isilon01-1# isi get /ifs/tsm2
default   4x/2 concurrency on    ./
default   8x/3 concurrency on    ../

isilon711-2# isi set -l streaming /ifs/tsm2
isilon711-2# isi get /ifs/tsm2
default   4x/2 streaming/@18 on    ./
default   8x/3 concurrency on    ../

The next step is to verify the IP pool for the data access. It is recommended to only use a single IP address per node:

isilon01-1#isi network list ifaces –w
Interface       Status      Membership                Addresses
--------------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------------------------
1:10gige-1 up
1:10gige-2 up
1:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
1:ext-1 up subnet0:pool-mgt
1:ext-2 up
2:10gige-1 up
2:10gige-2 up
2:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
2:ext-1 up
2:ext-2 up
2:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt
3:10gige-1 up
3:10gige-2 up
3:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
3:ext-1 up
3:ext-2 up
3:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt
4:10gige-1 up
4:10gige-2 up
4:10gige-agg-1 up subnet1:pool-data
4:ext-1 up
4:ext-2 up
4:ext-agg up subnet0:pool-mgt

Step 3: Install dsmISI

The next step is to install the dsmISI package:

rpm -ivh dsmisi-3.X.X.X.x86_64.rpm

Step 4: Create the dsmisi.conf options file

The previously defined values for this installation need to be added to the configuration file.

linux01: # cat /etc/dsmisi/dsmisi.conf
FileLogLevel Warning
#SysLogLevel Warning
ClaimWeight 100
ConnectTimeout 30
IsilonUser root
#IsilonUser dsmisi
MountArgs rw,sync,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,intr
NfsRsize 1048576
NfsWsize 1048576
IdleTime 60

IsiName isilon01
                IsiMgmtIp               isilon01-1-mgt,isilon-01-2-mgt
                IsiIpPool               subnet0:pool-data
                IsiConnectionTimeout    30
                IsiUser                 root
#        IsiUser                 dsmisi
                IsiMntRootDir           /isi
                IsiExport               /ifs/ISP

ServerName tsminst01
                ServerUsrGrp            tsm1:tsm1
                ServerDirPrefix         /tsm
                ServerDirSuffix         sf
                IsiClusterList          isilon01

Step 5: Configure dsmISI as service

To run dsmISI as a service, please copy the service unit file into a service unit directory and enable the service:

sles-01:/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin # cp /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi.service /etc/systemd/system
sles-01:/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin # systemctl enable dsmisi --now
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dsmisi.service to /etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service.
sles-01:/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin # systemctl status dsmisi
dsmisi.service - Start dsmisi
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dsmisi.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-01-19 09:28:33 CET; 6s ago
Process: 3618 ExecStart=/bin/sh -c /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi -daemon >/dev/null 2>&1 & (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3619 (dsmisi)
        Tasks: 2 (limit: 512)
Memory: 2.2M
        CPU: 39ms
CGroup: /system.slice/dsmisi.service
                ├─3619 /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi -daemon
                └─3644 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o BatchMode=yes -q -T dsmisi@

Jan 19 09:28:33 sles-01 systemd[1]: Starting Start dsmisi...
Jan 19 09:28:33 sles-01 systemd[1]: Started Start dsmisi.

Optionally the executable can also be added to the default path:

linux01:~ #cat /etc/profile.d/dsmisi.sh PATH=${PATH}:/opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin
linux01:~ #. /etc/profile.d/dsmisi.sh

Step 6: Start dsmISI

Now dsmISI can be started. If you start dsmISI for the first time after configuration it is recommended to check /var/dsmisi/logs/dsmisi.log for errors. The mounts to all 4 nodes should be available.

Step 7: Create and use ISP device classes

When dsmISI was configured and started successfully there should be a link available which is used for the ISP device class configuration: linux01:/tsm/tsminst01/isilon01 # ls -l total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 tsm68 tsm68 25 Sep 25 10:16 SF -> /isi/isilon01/0001/tsminst01/sf Now the ISP device class is created. tsm: ISPINST01>def dev ISILON01 devt=FILE maxcap=20g dir=/tsm/tsminst01/isilon01/sf ANR2203I Device class ISILON01 defined.

Step 8: Create and use ISP storage pools

The last step is to define the storage pool: tsm: ISPINST01>def stg ISI_BACKUP ISILON01 hi=100 lo=99 reuse=2 colloc=no recl=60 maxscratch=10000 ANR2200I Storage pool ISI_BACKUP defined (device class ISILON01).

Command Reference

The following section contains information about the commands usable by the dsmisi executable

dsmisi help

This command returns all possible commands for dsmisi.


dsmisi help


sles-01:~ # dsmisi help

Usage: dsmisi [help|mount|umount|setpath|status|ping|wipe]

dsmisi, version x86_64 (154215921912)
Copyright (C) 2021 General Storage Software GmbH

dsmisi status

This command returns the status of the ISILON mounts and the dsmISI version.


dsmisi status <parameter>


-s : The option "-s" also shows the status of the preload library.
-r : This option flushes saved cluster information and reloads it from the clusters.


linux01:~ # /opt/generalstorage/dsmisi/bin/dsmisi status -s

dsmisi, version (301101417668)
Copyright (C) 2017 General Storage Software GmbH

                0001: /isi/laclust801/0001 mounted.
                0002: /isi/laclust801/0002 mounted.
                0003: /isi/laclust801/0003 mounted.

I/O Server ISP143.
                Cluster laclust801,3 file path /tsm/ISP143/ISP143/laclust801/file active.

I/O server dsmgsio available.
I/O Path 0: /tsm/ISP143/ISP143/laclust801/file/ -> /isi/laclust801/0002/ISP143/file(3).
sles-01:~ # dsmisi status -r

dsmisi, version x86_64 (154215921912)
Copyright (C) 2021 General Storage Software GmbH

Reloading cluster data isi9000 ...
Cluster isi9000 (v9.0.0.0):
       mounted on /isimount/isi9000/0001 (Clusternode 1)
       mounted on /isimount/isi9000/0002 (Clusternode 1)
       mounted on /isimount/isi9000/0003 (Clusternode 3)
       mounted on /isimount/isi9000/0004 (Clusternode 4)
       mounted on /isimount/isi9000/0005 (Clusternode 4)

dsmisi status: no I/O server configured.

dsmisi mount

This command can mount all clusters at once or a specific cluster if provided.


dsmisi mount <clustername>


<clustername> (Optional) - Clustername from *dsmisi.conf*. If provided, only this cluster will be mounted.


bash-4.2# dsmisi mount
Mount processing isi8200-clus.
Mount processing isi9000.
Mount processing isi9000-a.
bash-4.2# df
...  492655680 160130208   68% 107528902    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0001  492655680 160130208   68% 107528902    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0002  492655680 160130208   68% 107528902    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0003  492655680 160130208   68% 107528902    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0004  492655680 160130208   68% 107528902    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0005  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000/0001  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000/0002  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000/0003  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000/0004  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000/0005  492655680 213579152   57% 182159841    49% /isi/isi9000-a/0001
sles-01:~ # dsmisi mount isi9000
Mount processing isi9000.
sles-01:~ # df|grep isi9000 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0001 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0002 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0003 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0004 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0005

dsmisi umount

This command can unmount all clusters at once or a specific cluster if provided.


dsmisi umount <clustername>


<clustername> (Optional) - Clustername from *dsmisi.conf*. If provided, only this cluster will be unmounted.


sles-01:~ # df|grep isi9000 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0001 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0002 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0003 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0004 246328320 139534336 106793984  57% /isimount/isi9000/0005
sles-01:~ # dsmisi umount isi9000
Umount processing isi9000.
sles-01:~ # df
Filesystem              1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                  2003976        0   2003976   0% /dev
tmpfs                     2015768        0   2015768   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                     2015768    10020   2005748   1% /run
tmpfs                     2015768        0   2015768   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/system-root  34588672  8459784  26128888  25% /
/dev/mapper/system-home  26201600 17137260   9064340  66% /home
tmpfs                      403156        0    403156   0% /run/user/0
bash-4.2# df
Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4         2097152   1603136   24%    10092     6% /
/dev/hd2         8388608   3595032   58%    42562    10% /usr
/dev/hd9var      8388608   7394656   12%     6944     1% /var
/dev/hd3        16777216  14220504   16%     4121     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1          262144    261040    1%       18     1% /home
/dev/hd11admin     262144    261416    1%        5     1% /admin
/proc                  -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt    12582912  11002864   13%    13864     2% /opt
/dev/livedump     524288    523552    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
/dev/tsmlv      57933824         0  100%    42907    61% /tsm  492655680 160125904   68% 107534133    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0001  492655680 160125904   68% 107534133    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0002  492655680 160125904   68% 107534133    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0003  492655680 160125904   68% 107534133    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0004  492655680 160125904   68% 107534133    29% /isi/isi8200-clus/0005  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000/0001  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000/0002  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000/0003  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000/0004  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000/0005  492655680 213587952   57% 182152549    49% /isi/isi9000-a/0001

bash-4.2# dsmisi umount
Umount processing isi8200-clus.
Umount processing isi9000.
Umount processing isi9000-a.
bash-4.2# df
Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4         2097152   1603136   24%    10092     6% /
/dev/hd2         8388608   3595032   58%    42562    10% /usr
/dev/hd9var      8388608   7394632   12%     6944     1% /var
/dev/hd3        16777216  14220504   16%     4121     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1          262144    261040    1%       18     1% /home
/dev/hd11admin     262144    261416    1%        5     1% /admin
/proc                  -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt    12582912  11002864   13%    13864     2% /opt
/dev/livedump     524288    523552    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump
/dev/tsmlv      57933824         0  100%    42907    61% /tsm

dsmisi wipe

This command flushes all saved cluster information. This can be helpful if a cluster had connection issues which led to a faulty local cluster information.


dsmisi wipe


bash-4.2# dsmisi wipe
Removing cached data for isi8200-clus.
Removing cached data for isi9000-a.
Removing cached data for isi9000.